Donors can give online using your church's donation form. This article helps administrators understand how to give donors access to online giving and examples of common issues donors encounter.
Your church's donation form for Planning Center Giving is hosted on, using the unique web address created when you signed up for Giving. You can find the link to your donation form on your Church Center page in Giving, and you can accept online donations when you enable Giving on Church Center.
Share the link to your donation form on your church's website, social media page, or in an email.
Download this online giving video from the export button on the video's toolbar to share with your donors!
How to Give Online
You can also see how the donation process works from a donor's perspective in this article on Giving Online.
The best way to understand the donor experience is to try it yourself! Log in and give as a donor to see how the process works. If you or a donor need help, check out one of the sections below.
United States and Australian donors can donate using bank transfers. This is a cost-efficient way to give because the Stripe fees are lower.
Australian administrators must request access to the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) Direct Debit in Stripe so their donors can use bank transfers.
United States donors must verify their bank account credentials in Church Center. If a donor requests an administrator to initiate a donation with a saved bank account, an administrator can manually process that donation from the donor's profile.
If a donor reports an error, the solution can be found in your Stripe account. Here are some common errors we've seen donors report:
Error |
Explanation |
Solution |
This account cannot make live charges. |
This error indicates that something within your Stripe account requires an administrator's attention. Stripe has likely sent an email to the email address on your Stripe account requesting some information be updated or verified. |
Contact Stripe's support team directly to resolve this issue. |
Your card was declined. |
This error indicates that the transaction has failed. Stripe will post an error message regarding the declined transaction in your account. Find the failed donation on your Payments page in Stripe. If you have additional questions, contact Stripe's support team directly. |
Donor must reach out to their bank to find the reason for the decline. |