Cash and check donations are entered manually into Giving via batches.
Cash donations in donation envelopes usually identify the donor and fund designation.
Loose cash can be counted as an anonymous gift and designated to a general fund.
Check donations usually identify the donor and fund designation. If the check has two names, or the name on the donation envelope doesn't match the name on the check, reach out to the donor for clarification.
When working with a large number of checks, you can speed up the counting process using a Check Reader and Batch Defaults.
If you have a pile of checks and cash to count, consider the following strategies to count them before entering batches into Giving.
Split the cash into one batch and the checks in another. If you only have one check reader, this strategy makes adding check donations easier.
Split the pile among different counters, each with their own batch.
Splitanonymous donationsinto their own batch.Since donation entry is a good opportunity to update donor contact information, processing a bunch of anonymous donations together can be a little faster since the counter isn't having to enter donor information.
Complete a batch every time you take a break, especially if you're counting alone. There's no advantage to having one large batch over five smaller batches, but there is an advantage to knowing where you left off.
Use physical envelopes to denote batches. When you've finished a count, write the batch number on the envelope, seal the envelope, and then commit the batch. This strategy lessens the likelihood of double counting donations.
If you need to scan check images, quickly count in bulk, or use remote deposit, make sure to check out the the integration with Paperless Transactions.