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Contacting Donors

You can contact donors by sending them an email from the donor list in Giving or through a People list.


Emails are sent to the primary email address, except for Account Settings. Account Settings sends an email to every email address listed on an organization administrator or billing manager's profile.

Reports By Donor

The most direct way to email your donors is through the donor list on the By Donor tab of Reports.

report filters_numbered.png
  1. Select the assigned campus and date range, then filter by fund, label, stamp, or payment source.

  2. Check this box to display only new donors within the set date range and filters.

  3. Click the Email Donors button to email donors in the filtered list.

Fill out the email subject and body, and then click Send Email.

donor email.png


You can view the donor's communication history and email preferences from their profile.

Lists in People App

If you have access to the People app, you can use the powerful lists feature to generate a list of donors from any number of criteria across any date range. You can even combine multiple filters and blend them with filters from other Planning Center applications.


This process requires access to People. If you don't have access, ask another administrator to take this step or to give you permission.

If this is the first time you will create a list in People, see the Lists Overview article for detailed instructions.

1. Switch to the People app

Use the product switcher to switch from Giving to People.


2. Create a List

On the Lists page, click New List, and then set up filters to create a list of people that you want to email.

donors gave greater than 100.png

3. Contact the Donors in the List

Once your list has been created, the list will be populated with all the matching results.

Click the envelope icon, and then compose the email to send to the list.



For a styled email, use the integration with MailChimp.

Undelivered Emails

View a list of the emails sent to a person through Planning Center, including those that are undelivered, from the Communication tab on their profile.  

If you see an email highlighted in red, open it to see if the email failed or was dropped. Hover over the status to view the reason for the failure.



To learn more about what specific error codes entail, check out Email Error Codes.

If someone mentions they didn't receive an email, or you see that an email failed to be delivered to them, check in Planning Center People to make sure their email address isn't blocked

If they still do not receive emails after unblocking their email address, contact support for additional troubleshooting by selecting the ? in the top right corner of the product.

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