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Edit and Reassign Donations

If a donation needs to be edited, Giving administrators can correct, reassign, delete, or cancel it, depending on its type. Administrators can initiate refunds in Giving as well.

Corrections, refunds, reassignments, and deletions are all tracked in the Giving system logs, unless a donation belongs to an in progress  batch.


To add a note to explain why you made changes to a donation, click the notes button at the top of the donation. This note will only be seen by admins.


For instructions on editing in-kind donations, see the In-Kind Donations article

Correct or Edit a Donation

Select Edit Donation to make changes to any type of donation.

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Once a donation is edited, the changes show in the donation's adjustment history at the bottom of the donation record. The received date of an ACH or card donation cannot be changed.

See the sections below for steps to change the different donation types.

Batch Donations (Cash, Check, and External Sources)

For a donation added through a batch, like cash, check, or payment source donations, you can change multiple parts of the donation.

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  1. Update the total amount of the donation for each fund.

  2. Split the donation between additional funds.

  3. Adjust the date the donation was given.

  4. Change the Payment Source used to process or track the donation.

Select Save to save your changes.

The Counted date stays the same as the date of the batch, but the other information will change to match the changes you save.


If you need to move a donation to a different batch, delete the donation and recreate it in the correct batch. To avoid sending donation receipts to donors, you can disable them on the payment sources page. Make sure to turn them back on after you've reentered the donations.


An ACH donation can be edited to change the amount donated to each fund, but the total must remain the same.

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  1. If the amount split to each fund doesn't match the amount donated, you'll receive an error and won't be able to save.

  2. You can adjust the donation amounts for each fund, as long as the total remains the same.

  3. Split the donation between additional funds.

Select Save to save your changes.


A credit or debit card donation can be edited to change the amount donated to each fund, but the total is not changed.

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  1. If the amount split to each fund doesn't match the amount donated, you'll receive an error and won't be able to save.

  2. You can adjust the donation amounts for each fund, as long as the total remains the same.

  3. Split the donation between additional funds.

Select Save to save your changes.

Reassign a Donation

If you have a donation that was attributed to the wrong donor, you can reassign the donation to the correct donor's profile.

If you are entering checks with a check reader, and the reader gives you a name different from what's on the check, reassign that donation right when the check is read by selecting Associate New Donor.

To reassign an existing donation, select Change Donor.

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Type the name of the donor you're reassigning the donation to, and select their profile from the list.

choose donor_arrow.png

Select Change Donor to finalize the change.

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If you find that you have two donor profiles belonging to the same person, you can merge them .

Mark a Donation as Failed

If a batch donation fails (for example a check bounces), record this in Giving using the Mark as Failed/NSF button.

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Delete a Donation

Donations added from Batches (cash, check, and external sources) can be deleted at any time using the Delete Donation button.

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Card and ACH donations cannot be deleted. Card donations can be refunded, and ACH donations can be canceled or refunded.

Cancel an ACH Donation

ACH donations cannot be deleted, but they can be canceled within a two-hour window of when the donation was given.

Select Cancel Donation to stop the donation from being processed, and remove it from the donor's profile.

cancel donation_arrow.png


After two hours, the donation begins processing and cannot be canceled. Once the transfer to Stripe has begun, however, it can be refunded.

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